Рейтинг: средний


Тикер LATO
Дата запуска ICO


2770 дней назад

Дата окончания ICO


2763 дня назад



Blockchain Startup Liquidity Asset Token (LATO) announces PRE-ICO to Tokenize Assets

by Richard Kastelein on Blockchain News



Artem Chestnov - Project Manager

Ayrana Mongush - Marketing

Danila Simonov - CTO

Oleg Belushkin - Finance

Valentin Preobrazhensky - CEO

Страна происхождения (data missing)


Блокчейн Blockchain (Что такое blockchain?)


Активность на Гитхабе за 30 дней
Starred by 1
Watchings 2
Contributors 1
Forks 0
Commits 1
Open issues 0


Последние новости

Join the pre-sale https://t.co/7WTLtSejnx 25% bonus on tokens#ico #crypto #ETH #LAT #LAToken 31-07-2017

Hey,an article about us on the-blockchain! Although the coin will be called LAT and our company LATokenhttps://t.co/7X2EKH602z #Crypto #btc 31-07-2017

A great read on how tokenization is trending in the startup and VC space https://t.co/fcN8eNSqn2 31-07-2017

Присутствие в интернете

Рейтинг домена 0
Обратные ссылки 0

Источник данных • Что такое Mozscape?

Последние твиты

Join the pre-sale https://t.co/7WTLtSejnx 25% bonus on tokens#ico #crypto #ETH #LAT #LAToken 31-07-2017 16:58:02

Hey,an article about us on the-blockchain! Although the coin will be called LAT and our company LATokenhttps://t.co/7X2EKH602z #Crypto #btc 31-07-2017 16:58:02

A great read on how tokenization is trending in the startup and VC space https://t.co/fcN8eNSqn2 31-07-2017 16:58:02

Последние посты

None 31-07-2017 16:58:02

While we are tokenizing assets Singapore is come very close to tokenizing fiat currency on the blockchain."Project Ubin, which began in November 2016, is an attempt to create a functional replacement for Singapore’s interbank payments network using tokenization and blockchain technology.The first phase of the project was successful, developing a proof-of-concept replacement of the MAS Electronic Payments System (MEPS+), the Singaporean analog of the Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) in the United States, which handles the settlement of interbank debts." 31-07-2017 16:58:02

Blockchain continues to move into and transform traditional sectors. LAToken takes on the market of illiquid assets. This article tackles the insurance industry with blockchain. "Blockchain technology, for instance, can also allow for accident or health records to be stored and recorded in a decentralised way which can open the door for insurance companies to reduce friction in the current systems in which they operate.Currently the industry is highly centralised and the introduction of new Blockchain-fueled structures such as mutual insurance and peer-to-peer models based on the Blockchain could fundamentally affect the status quo." 31-07-2017 16:58:02

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